Air Emission Sources

Evaluating possible sources of PFAS air emissions that could potentially affect groundwater or surface water.

The NHDES Air Resources Division regulates and limits air emissions from a variety of industrial sources within New Hampshire through a statewide permitting program. In 2016, when perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was first detected in a tap water sample at the Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics facility in Merrimack, NH, the Air Resources Division began to investigate potential sources. While this search led to further site investigations for localized PFAS issues, thus far only Saint-Gobain has been identified as an active PFAS emitting source large enough to cause groundwater contamination above AGQS. The Air Resources Division has been actively involved with investigations of other industrial and municipal facilities to ensure PFAS emissions are not contributing to groundwater contamination in New Hampshire.

Emissions testing for PFAS at stationary sources has been conducted based on guidance from EPA. The recommended test method is OTM-45 and results of a 2018 testing effort in southern New Hampshire were reported in 2019. Testing at individual stationary sources is available via OneStop Data Provider.

NHDES is authorized to develop administrative rules pertaining to PFAS and RSA 125-C:10-e. NHDES plans to commence stakeholder discussions relative to potential rulemaking in 2023.

The EPA is leading the national effort to understand PFAS and reduce PFAS risks to the public. EPA’s PFAS website contains various resources, including the latest research on methods for detection of PFAS compounds in air (OTM-45) and OTM-50, and guidance on PFAS destruction and disposal.

EPA's PFAS Website  

PFAS Discharge Specialist
Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau
Small Systems Engineering and Treatment