Private Wells

Testing and treatment options for homeowners with private water wells.

PFAS have affected private drinking water wells throughout New Hampshire, especially in the southern part of the state. NHDES recommends all private well owners test their water for PFAS.

NHDES has been providing testing of private drinking water wells that are most susceptible to contamination from PFAS. Sampling can be requested using the PFAS Testing for Private Wells Request Form.

Note: Submitting a request does not mean that NHDES will test your well. NHDES is not able to sample the wells of everyone that would like to be sampled. The location of each sampling request is compared against NHDES records to determine sampling eligibility and priority.

If you are not selected for sampling or choose to sample on your own, an accredited laboratory can assist with sample analysis. NHDES recommends, at a minimum, testing for the four PFAS compounds with state maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) – PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS and PFNA.

NHDES is not providing resampling of private wells. To see if NHDES has sampled your well water for PFAS, check the NHDES PFAS Sampling Dashboard.

Understanding your Results

Enter your results into the Be Well Informed webtool to find out if any are above health limits, and what kind of water treatment is needed to ensure safe drinking water.

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Did You Know?

Did You Know?

There are many contaminants that could be in well water. Most are naturally occurring in rocks and soil, such as arsenic and radon, and others can be in the plumbing, such as lead. NHDES recommends all private well owners regularly test their water and install water treatment if needed to ensure safe drinking water. See the NHDES private well webpage for more information.

I’ve Tested My Water, Now What?

If PFAS is detected above standards, there are many water treatment options available. Water treatment options are not one-size-fits-all and can depend on other contaminants present. So, before investing in a choice, make sure that you’ve done the recommended testing! 

Financial Assistance

The PFAS Removal Rebate for Private Wells Program provides rebates to private residential well owners to assist in the installation of a treatment system designed to remove PFAS, or for a service connection to a public water system.