Private Wells

Testing and treatment options for homeowners with private water wells.

PFAS have affected wells throughout New Hampshire but are more frequently detected at elevated levels in southern New Hampshire. NHDES recommends that a residential well be tested for PFAS if it has not been tested previously and that prospective homebuyers test the water in a home with a residential well before purchase. Residential well users can obtain water sample bottles by contacting an accredited laboratory from the list provided by NHDES. NHDES recommends testing for additional PFAS analytes beyond the four specified in the state maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) – PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS and PFNA – to fully assess the potential for contamination impacting a water source. In the event that a homeowner's water contains PFAS levels above the drinking water standards, a rebate program to offset the capital costs of installation of a PFAS treatment system is provided through the NHDES PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells.

Your water is likely to contain other contaminants such as arsenic, uranium, radon, manganese, nitrate and bacteria that present health risks and that are naturally occurring or originate from nearby land uses. It is important for all residential well users to test for these contaminants using a standard water quality test before selecting and installing a water treatment system to ensure the treatment system will work properly. Obtain water sample bottles by contacting an accredited laboratory from the list provided on the NHDES website.

Results for private well testing can be found on the NHDES PFAS Sampling Dashboard.