NHDES 2024 Water Infrastructure Funding Workshop April 9-12
January 08, 2024
This workshop will be held online from April 9 through 12 and will include a series of sessions focusing on updates regarding funding programs administered by NHDES. Topics include: program updates, disbursements, lead and copper rule, PFAS, emerging contaminants, asset management, sustainability and more!
The intended audience includes current/future loan recipients, community/financial decision makers, public works directors, city/town managers, commissioners, selectmen, municipal and regional planners, consultants/engineers, operators, and others interested in NHDES-administered funding programs.
Cost: FREE
Visit our funding program websites for additional program information:
- State Revolving Loan Fund.
- New Hampshire Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund.
- NHDES PFAS Response Website.
Please contact us if you have any questions: DWSRF@des.nh.gov