Progress on Alternate Water Implementation and Additional Round of Sampling

June 15, 2023

In Fall 2022, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (SGPP) began implementation of multiple phases of work to permanently provide safe drinking water to hundreds of properties within portions of the towns of Bedford, Hudson, Litchfield, Londonderry, and Merrimack, NH, that are located inside the 2018 Consent Decree Outer Boundary. SGPP will provide alternate water remedies to more than 1,100 properties identified in the April 2022 and June 2022 Alternate Water Agreements. Work that began last fall included field inspections and design work for connections to municipal water where existing water mains are present within the street and initiation of conceptual design work for areas without existing water mains to determine the feasibility of water line extensions. Design work for waterline extension to the Hillcrest Road area of Litchfield has been completed and construction for this work is anticipated to occur during the summer with substantial completion during the winter of 2023/2024. Construction for municipal water connections is anticipated to begin in fall 2023 for areas with existing water lines.

SGPP began installation of Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) systems in December 2022. Contractors for SGPP contacted approximately 330 homeowners to arrange appointments for inspections and subsequent installations of proposed POETs. This first group of homes targeted for installation are located in areas where homeowners have been provided bottled water by SGPP for a longer duration, and as of May 5, 2023, approximately 150 POET systems have been installed, mostly in the town of Bedford. In May 2023, SGPP finalized a contract with a second filtration system contractor to install POET systems and anticipates that this will significantly increase the rate of POET system installation at properties impacted by the site. The second contractor will focus on POET system installation in the towns of Londonderry, Litchfield and Hudson. SGPP and their contractors will continue to notify additional property owners as they proceed through the installation of these systems. SGPP indicated that all POET systems should be installed by the end of the year.

SGPP continues to identify and sample drinking water from properties that are located inside the 2018 Consent Decree Outer Boundary. Bottled water is provided as an interim measure and alternate water remedies (municipal water/POETs) are proposed depending on laboratory analytical results from the ongoing drinking water sampling effort. Additional proposed remedies for newly discovered PFAS exceedences have been documented in Term Sheet Attachments 11 through 14, dated November 2022, February 2023, March 2023, and May 2023, respectively. SGPP recently proposed collection of a second set of samples from wells within the Consent Decree Outer Boundary that have previously exhibited PFAS results below state drinking water standards. This sampling effort will evaluate potential fluctuation in contaminant concentrations and confirm that concentrations remain below state drinking water standards. SGPP will begin retesting drinking water wells in May 2023 and have indicated that they believe all wells can be resampled within one year.