Saint-Gobain provides a list of alternate water remedies for approximately 600 properties
NHDES, in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General, completed its review of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (SGPP) proposal to permanently provide safe drinking water to additional properties within portions of the towns of Bedford, Hudson, Litchfield, Londonderry, and Merrimack, New Hampshire, that are located inside the Consent Decree Outer Boundary. This proposal from Saint-Gobain was required by the April 2022 agreement (found here) between NHDES and Saint-Gobain that listed remedies to provide safe drinking water to 353 specific properties. This submittal includes the framework for SGPP to provide waterline connections or Point of Entry Treatment Systems (POETS) to more than 600 additional properties that have been provided bottled water as a result of impacts by SGPP.
A list of properties included in this submittal is available online.